Create a Half Drop Pattern Repeat With Photoshop | Lauren Peploe (2025)

This tutorial will walk you through how to create a half drop pattern repeat for bespoke wallpaper and fabric designs using Adobe Photoshop.

We’ll look at:

→ Choosing the right measurements for wallpaper or fabric;

→ How to set up the canvas to work for a half drop repeat;

→ Adding motifs to Photoshop and linking them to make them moveable in a half drop repeat;

→The full process of creating a half drop pattern repeat with motifs using Photoshop.

Create a Half Drop Pattern Repeat With Photoshop | Lauren Peploe (1)

Equipment Needed to Create a Half Drop Pattern Repeat Using Photoshop

To complete this tutorial, you will need…

→ An active license for Adobe Photoshop;

→ Motif images which are ready to be added into a half drop pattern repeat;

→ A good understanding of Photoshop functions including: adding guides; using the layer palette; adding imagery into a canvas; changing the size of the canvas; and cropping.

I’ll make this tutorial as easy to follow as possible, if you have any questions – or need assistance with this process – don’t hesitate to get in touch via the contact form.

Contact me here.

Understanding Sizes for Wallpaper and Fabric Pattern Repeats

To begin, let’s decide the size your repeating tile should be. The below table shows the most common sizes used for both wallpaper and fabric.

Fabric widths can vary between manufacturers so in this instance all fabric measurements fit into a width of 1350mm, an average fabric width which can be scaled to suit most fabric manufacturers.

Wallpaper Widths

Type of Repeat Centimetre (cm) Millimetre (mm)

Standard width wallpaper

52 cm

520 mm

Wide width wallpaper

70 cm

700 mm

1/2 standard width (tiled 2 across)

26 cm

260 mm

1/2 wide width (tiled 2 across)

35 cm

350 mm

Fabric Widths

Type of Repeat Centimetre (cm) Millimetre (mm)

Standard width fabric

135 cm

1350 mm

1/2 standard width (tiled 2 across)

67.5 cm

675 mm

1/3 standard width (tiled 3 across)

45 cm

450 mm

1/4 standard width (tiled 4 across)

33.75 cm

337.5 mm

1/5 standard width (tiled 5 across)

27 cm

270 mm

1/6 standard width (tiled 6 across)

22.5 cm

225 mm

The width of your repeating tile is dependent on the product you are designing for. Both wallpaper and fabric designs are printed at different sizes so it’s best to decide on your tile size at the beginning.

Due to the nature of this method, changing your canvas size later on in the process will cause the design to not match along the edge, and the process will need to be started again from the beginning.

DPI (dots per inch)

All designs for printed products should be either 254dpi or 508dpi to ensure the pixel to millimetre ratio is correct.

Using the wrong DPI means software, such as Photoshop, will round up to the nearest whole pixel which alters the physical dimensions when printed, this can mean the final product won’t perfectly match at the edges.

DPI (dots per inch) Useage

254 dpi

Use for less complex designs.

508 dpi

Use for more complex designs.

For digital printing, the height of your canvas can be whatever you’d like as there are no limitations with this method of printing.

Recommended additional reading:

Lauren Peploe

Exploring the commercial standards of interior wallpaper from expected widths and lengths, to understanding the different types of repeating patterns.

Read More »

Making a Half Drop Pattern Repeat Using Photoshop

Once you’ve chosen the size of your repeating tile, it’s time to start making a half drop pattern repeat using Photoshop.

To start, create your canvas on Photoshop…

1. Open Photoshop. Go to New > File.

2. Change your resolution to either 254dpi or 508dpi. This is dependent on the complexity of your design – if you’re unsure, go for 508dpi.

3. Input your chosen measurements. The width should be a size mentioned in the table above, and the height can be any size you wish. For beginners, I recommend keeping the height size the same as the width whilst learning the method.

4. Choose your colour mode, this will be depicted by your end use. If you are printing this pattern, use CMYK, if this pattern is for digital use, then use the RGB colour mode.

Create a Half Drop Pattern Repeat With Photoshop | Lauren Peploe (3)

5. Add guides to your design horizontally at the positions 0%, 50%, and 100%. Do the same again vertically. To add guides, go to View > Guides > New Guide.

Watch how to add guides to your canvas below:

6. Double click the “Background” layer, in the layer’s palette, and press OK to unlock it.

7. With the guides in place, let’s add space around your canvas making it easier to create a half drop pattern repeat. To do this, go to Image > Canvas Size. Change the size format to percentage (%) and set both the width and height to 200%. Make sure the anchor point is in the middle, then press OK.

Watch how to change your canvas size below:

8. The guides will show a 4 x 4 grid of squares. To save confusion, we’ll label each square with the letters A, B, C, and D. Use the image below to make sure you label the squares in the correct order.

From left to right, and top to bottom, the squares should be labelled:

B, C, D, A, D, A, B, C, B, C, D, A, D, A, B, and C.

Create a Half Drop Pattern Repeat With Photoshop | Lauren Peploe (4)

Watch how to add letters to your canvas below:

9. You now have your half drop pattern repeat template ready for populating with your motifs.

Adding Motifs to a Half Drop Pattern Template in Adobe Photoshop

10. On a new layer, add a single motif to your half drop pattern template. Scale and rotate your motif until you’re happy with how it’s looking. (If you want to change the scale after the motif is in place, you will have to repeat the process again from this point).

11. Make sure you have the new motif layer selected in the layer’s palette, then go to Edit > Free Transform.

12. With your motif now selected, move it to the top left corner of square A – until it snaps to the guides. If your motif doesn’t snap to the guides, go to View > Snap to… and make sure “Guides” is ticked. Press enter on your keyboard (or click the tick in the top task bar) to confirm the move.

Watch how to add motifs to your canvas below:

13. Duplicate your motif and place it in to the top left corner of the next square marked with an “A”, making sure it snaps to the guides. Repeat this process for all squares marked “A”.

14. Once the motif features in every box marked “A”, select them all in the layer’s palette, right click, and link the layers together. Now, when you move the motif, they will all move together maintaining the same distance needed for the half drop repeat.

15. Repeat this process with each motif that appears on the seams of your half drop design until you’re happy with the layout.

Watch how to build out your design with motifs below:

16. It’s good practice to periodically create a save as of your design, crop it down to the final tile size, and tile it manually in a separate document to make sure the motifs are lining up correctly.

Watch how to create a save to check your progress below:

17. When you’re happy with the repeat, delete your original layer with the lettered squares. Then, crop the design down to your original tile size. As you drag the crop area it will snap to the guides to ensure it’s the right size, if that doesn’t work go to View > Snap to… and make sure “Layers” isn’t ticked.

Watch to see the final design come to life below:

You’ve learnt how to create a half drop pattern repeat using Photoshop. This is the starting point of how to use this method to create half drop patterns, there are many ways to adapt and tweak the process to make it your own.

I’d love to see the pattern you create using this process.

Create a Half Drop Pattern Repeat With Photoshop | Lauren Peploe (2025)
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Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

Birthday: 1999-09-15

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Introduction: My name is Msgr. Refugio Daniel, I am a fine, precious, encouraging, calm, glamorous, vivacious, friendly person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.