The Mayfield Messenger from Mayfield, Kentucky (2024)

Deaths Mrs. Whitenton Dies At Her Home In Hickory 10: Mayfield, Ky. Messenger: Mrs. Ora Whitenton, 81, diedat 10 p.m. Sunday at her, home in Hickory.

Survivors include her husband, C. daughters, Mrs. Ben Holland, Hickory and Mrs. Carlos (Ruby) Baker, Graves County; three brothers. Floyd Allison, Clinton, Kentucky, Fred Allison, Paris, Tennessee, 'and Howell Allison, Louisville.

Also surviving are two sisters, Mrs. Ralph Reeder, Jackson, Tennessee, and Mrs. Ray Carl, Newark, New Jersey; two grandsons, Hilton Whitenton, Mayfield, and David Whitenton, Paducah; four great grandchildren. Funeral services have been scheduled for Tuesday at 2 p.m. at Byrn Chapel with Rev.

Ed Taylor in charge, assisted by Rev. R. A. Slinker. Burial will be in MaplewoodCemetery.

Nephews will serve as pallbearers. Flower girls will be the Hickory Baptist Extension girls. Friends may call at Byrn Funeral Home until the funeral hour. Space Agreement MOSCOW (AP) The Soviet Union, the United States and Great Britain today signed the agreement to rescue astronauts and return space equipment or parts that fall outside the try of origin. The agreement was signed by Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei A.

Gromyko, U.S. Minister Emory C. Swank and British Charge d'Affaires Peter Dalton. Monday, April 22, 1968 Curtis Drew, Viola Resident, Dies Sunday Curtis Drew, 59, died at 1:30 p.m. Sunday in the Fuller-Gilliam Hospital.

A retired farmer, he was a resident of Viola, and the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. James Oscar Drew. He is survived by several aunts and uncles. Funeral services will be held Tuesday at 1 p.m.

at the Roy M. Lowe Funeral Home in Lowes. Rev. Edward Rodgers will officiate. Burial will be in Mt.

Zion Cemetery. Pallbearers will be Frank Stone, Scotty McA doo, Jerry Ivy, Elmer Henson, Joy Yahr, and may call at the Roy M. Lowe Funeral Home in Lowes until the funeral hour. Fire Alarm The front seat of a 1956 automobile owned by George Everetts, 218 North 8th Street, burned about 3:30 a.m. Sunday, firemen reported today, Two Juveniles Face Breaking And Entering Charges Two boys, juveniles ages 12 and 15, were arrested by city police in connection with the breaking and entering of the Ben Franklin Store and Fashion Cleaners shortly after noon Sunday.

The two were charged in connection with the breaking and encountering and the theft of a radio and yo-yos from Ben Franklin Store. Nothing was found missing from Fashion Cleaners, police said. Both boys were turned over to Juvenile Judge Dick Castleman, LEGAL NOTICE Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 337 of the Kentucky Revised Statutes, or my authorized agent will on May 2, 1968, commencing on or about 10:00 A. M. (Central Daylight Savings Time), in the Graves County Courthouse, Courtroom, Mayfield, Kentucky, hold a hearing to consider a revision of the prevailing wage determination for laborers, workmen, mechanics, helpers, assistants and apprentices engaged in the construction of public works.

At this time, evidence relating to fringe benefits provided through irrevocable agreements between employers and employees shall be considered in establishing a prevailing rate of contribution for the same. All interested persons and public authorities are invited to attend to present evidence and give testimony pertaining to the prevailing wage rates in Graves County. JOHN W. YOUNG, Commissioner Kentucky Department of Labor Naming Of Ray As King Killer Causes Confusion By DOUG STONE Associated Press Writer MEMPHIS, Tenn. (AP) A ranking Memphis police officer acknowledges there are "a whole lot of in official descriptions of the man sought as the sniper slayer of Dr.

Martin. Luther King Jr. Asst. Chief Bill Price referred to statements that James Earl Ray, 40, an escaped Missouri convict, and Eric Starvo Galt, first sought for King's April 4 assassination in Memphis, are the same person. "You don't know what to look Price said Sunday as officers here and elsewhere continued their investigation of the slaying.

The nationwide' manhunt continues. The FBI issued a conspiracy warrant Wednesday for Galt, then updated their case Friday by saying a fingerprint comparison showed 'Galt was really Ray. The naming of Ray in the case caused confusion, primarily because, earlier official stateindicate that Galt and Ray were in different places at the same time. When Galt was charged as a conspirator in King's death by rifle bullet, the FBI said the man had taken dancing lessons in New Orleans in 1964-65. The FBI said later the earlier description should have said Galt reportedly took dancing lessons rather than stating it flatly.

In Police Court Those fined recently in city court were: Gary Dale West, Lynnville, $50 and costs on a reckless driving charge; John R. Stahr, East Broadway, $25 and cost and given 10 days suspended jail sentence on charges of breach of the peace. Scotty Yates, North 13th Street, was fined $20 and costs on a disorderly conduct charge; Kenneth Simmons, Anderson Avenue; $10 and costs on a breach of the peace charge; Jerry Woodard, 308 Brand Stree, $100 and costs on charges of flourishing a deadly weapon threating a State Policeman. Fined $10 and costs on reckless driving charges were: Sandra K. Noffsinger, 215 South 16th Street; William' G.

Shultz, 1012 Paris Road; and Duane J. Isbell, Mayfield, route 2. Those fined $5 and costs for disregarding stop signs were: James L. Bruce, 332 West Hale Street; Bobby Joe Richardson, Mayfield, route Joseph M. 508 East South Street; and James Britt, 408 North 6th Street.

Vincent D. Payne, Mayfield, route 2 was fined $10 and costs on a speeding charge; CharlesE. Tidwell, Benton, route 4, $5 and costs for driving the wrong way on a one way street. tion of the service by playing a key role in providing troop leadership. Approximately 75 percent of the officers and warrant officers serving in Southeast Asia have Army.

Reserve commissions and warrants. The Army Reserve successfully met its greatest challenge during World War II when more than 100,000 U. S. Army Reserve officers were called upon to assume command and staff positions, They filled command positions that ranged from platoon leader division commander and staff positions at all levels including the General Staff in Washington and joint staffs around the world. When the Korean Conflict broke out in June, 1950, the nation once again called upon its Reserve forces, to a help quarter fight of the a enemy.

million members of the army Reserve served on active duty. During the first year of the war, when the heaviest fighting took place, members of the Army Reserve won- six of the 27 Medals of Honor and one-quarter of the other top combat decorations awarded, Again, in 1961, when the Berlin Crisis developed, Reserve forces were activated to augment the Regular Army. About 75,000 men and women of the Army Reserve were called to active duty for tours of up to one year, As the Army Reserve celebrates its 60th anniversary, the nation today can boast of having the strongest, best-trained and best -equipped Army Re serve Force in its history. Forming the nucleus of the Army Reserveare some 3,495 highly trained units, More than 260,000 men and women are members of these units which range in size from a four Judge Advocate General detachment to a 4500-man Infantry brigade organized and equipped to fight in sustained combat in any part of the world. Each unit holds from 48-72 training sessions, a spends year, two many weeks on week each year at a military installation for intensifive training and maneuvers.

An additional 480,000 men and women are assigned to the Individual Ready Reserve and, in case of war, would be used to reinforce units of the Army, Army Reserve and Army National Guard. Some of the officers as-. signed to the Individual Ready' Reserve have been preselected, because of civilian specialty or military training, to fill an authorized position at a selected. Army headquarters. These officers, called Mobilization Designees, spend two weeks each year at that headquarters serving in the position they would fill in case of war.

Rounding out Army Reserve strength are the 266,000 members of the Standby Reserve and 201.000 members of the Retired Reserve. These men and women, who do not train with any units, KEEP SUMMER IN ITS PLACE THIS dependable, automatic GAS Air Conditioning Outside-that's where summer heat belongs; out- costs considerably, less to maintain than other side with the sun, and the humidity, and the blue, blue that systems, because there are no major moving parts sky can't produce one cloud to cast a little shade! to wear or break down. So why' be sad because Inside, it can be as comfortably cool and relaxed as a spring Sunday IF summer should soon be a-comin' in? Keep it out, you have the reliable, efficient help of a modern GAS heat- the dependable way! See your conditioning installation. Clean, filtered, ditioning dealer or Western Kentucky Gas soon! dehumidified air bathes each room in the soft cool- And if you're building a new home, be very sure ness that lets your family sleep restfully guar- your builder specifies GAS; all better builders do, antees a good start for the day's activities. GAS because GAS makes the big difference.

costs cooling is thoroughly practical, too actually less, too! BUILDERS WESTERN KENTUCKY GASI GAS GENERAL OFFICE: 311 W. SEVENTH OWENSBORO, KY. 42301 Army Reserve (Continued from Page 1) can only be called up to active duty in time of war or national emergency declared by Con- gress, In addition to training with their units, many Army Reservists attend special schools or take correspondence courses order to increase their military proficiency or to learn new military skills. In 1967, 60,000 members Army Reserve schools attended, correspondence courses in order to be eligible for promotion. Perhaps the most outstanding characteristic of the men and women in the Army Reserve is the large reservoir of special skills and experience they represent.

Most of the officers and noncommissioned officers, as well as many enlisted men, follow civilian callings that nearly parallel their military duties, The Army Reserve member is also usually active in community and business affairs. Eighty-eight percent. of the senior officers Army Reserve, for example, hold national or local office in civic and professional associations which are unrelated to military service. With sixty years under its belt, the Reserve looks ahead with additional pride and optimism towards the future, according to Major General W. J.

Sutton, Chief or the Army Reserve. "The officers and enlisted personnel are among the most dedicated men and women in the nation today," General Sutton said. "They realize that a strong and proficient Reserve force is a prime requirment for the preservation of our democratic soc-' iety. That's why they are giving so much to their time and energy to the Army Reserve." William Emerson Is Representative Of Harmony Loan Co. William Emerson, Mayfield insurance and investment-executive, has been appointed a representative of Harmony Loan Corporation, Newport, Kentucky.

Harmony Loan is a $1,000,000 consumer investment corporation, and is among the fastest growing companies of its kind in the Middle West. Mr. Emerson has been in the insurance field for 37 years. The Emerson Insurance Agency, 209 W. Broadway, Mayfield, was established by his father, the late J.

Clifton Emerson, 67 years ago. Mr. Emerson is a graduate of Mayfield High School, the Howard D. Happy Business College, and is a member of the Rotary Club. He resides at 416 E.

College. GOP Delegation (Continued from Page 1) vored Nixon. But after the state convention a number polled at random replied tersely they were, not committed to anyone. Thruston B. Morton, the retiring Republican incumbent, has been trying to promote the candidacy of New York Gov.

Nelson Rockefeller. But in a brief speech Saturday he told his party colleagues: haven't tried in any way to influence a decision anywhere in the state." Morton also turned down an offer to become one of the tional delegates. The reliable informant in the regime told a newsman that if there is any sentiment for a candidate than Nixon, it California Gov. Ronald rather than "Reagan Rockefeller. The list of delegates two from each congressional district and 10 from the state at-largeshows a number of the same people who were solidly for Barry Goldwater as the GOP presidential nominee in 1964.

Two of the alternate delegates are rivals in the GOP primary to succeed Morton: JefferCounty (Louisville) Judge Marlow W. CooK and former Congressman Eugene Siler of Williamsburg. Congressmen M. G. Snyder William Cowger, both of the Louisville area, are delegates.

The state's other GOP House member, Dr. Tim Lee Carter of Tompkinsville, is an alternate. Named delegates-at-large also were T. H. Hardwick of Lexington, who soon will step down as state party John H.

Kerr Jr. who marination is in line to succeed him. Others include Lester H. Burns of Manchester, who recently withdrew from GOP races for U.S. Senate and Congress; Charles I.

Dawson and E. P. Sawyer of Louisville, who helped manage Nunn's campaign last year, and Nunn of Cave City, the governor's brother. The remainder are William Seaton, Ashland; Pleas Jones, Williamsburg; William Griffin, London, and Mrs. John O.

Hill, Hopkinsville. The 1st District chose Bill Frandich of Murray and B. F. Evans of Livermore. Selections by district: 1st- Bill Frandich, Murray, and B.

F. Evans, Livermore. 2nd- Nunn and Rhoades Bratcher, Owensboro. 3rd- Cowger and Louisville Mayor Kenneth Schmied. 4th- Snyder and Rep.

DOUBLE CELEBRATION Premier George Papadopoulos joins with Greek royal guards in a folk dance today in Athens during a tour of military thodox Easter. By coincidence, the Army coup in Greece. (AP Arthur Schmidt, Cold. Spring. 5th- Dr.

Harold Barton, Whitley County, and Leavy Floyd, Pulaski County. 6th- Lewis Layton, Garrard County, and Mrs. Lewis Epstein, Lexington. 7th2 Bill Adams of Letcher and Frank Cooper of Carter County. Chosen as presidential electors were Thomas Manby of La Grange and John Petot Sr.

of Lexington. Several hundred persons gathered at a downtown auditorium for the 21, -hour session which for the 21, -hour session which in general went smoothly, although on two minor matters voice votes heavy with "noes" were ruled to be "ayes." There also was some confusion which faction cupied about, Pike County section: ocThe commonwealth's attorney that county, Thomas Ratliff of Pikeville, issued' a stunning denunciation of Nunn Friday, apologizing to the public for having become Nunn's running mate' in the general election because of what Ratliff called Nunn's broken promises- especially not to raise taxes. The governor's only comment Saturday to a reporter: "I feel sorry for Mr. Much of the time was 0C- cupied by traditional loyalist speeches by U.S. Sens.

Morton and John Sherman Cooper and by Nunn. The governor, under continuous criticism since his successful legislative effort to impose a 2 per cent sales tax increase, was praised by Morton. installations to mark the Greek Ortoday is the first anniversary of Wirephoto via cable from Athens) KANSAS CITY, Kan. (AP) The car of Jack P. Pyle, a a a Chicago magician, stalled on railroad -tracks Sunday and three patrolmen tried to help.

They failed flag a freight train in time and the car was knocked end -over -end, scattering trick cards and other magi-. cian's props. Pyle pulled an unharmed white rabbit out of a black case in the wreckage. Traffic Accidents Autos driven by James H. Murphy, 329 North 17th Street and Ela W.

Jones, 211 East Fuller collided about 2:50 p.m. Sunday. Murphy wa's driving south on North 15th Street, startedto pass a parked car and with Jones who was driving north on North 15th Street," the police report said. Mrs. Settie Watson, a passenger in the Jones auto, received injuries to her right elbow in the collision, police said.

Autos operated by Inda Lou Lee, Melber, route 1 and Hilda Louise Tucker, 1109 South 12th Street collided 'about 1:02 p.m. Saturday. Tucker was driving west on Water Street stopped at the stop sign at Water and 8th Streets, then pulled into 8th St. and collided with Lee who was driving south on South 8th Street, the police report said. Autos driven by Mary Shirley, Murray, Ky.

and Willie C. Overby, 708 Wright Street collided about 2:55 p.m. Friday. Shirley was driving south on North 5th Street, stopped at the stop sign at 5th and Broadway, then pulled into the street and collided with Overby who was the police report said. driving a east on a East Broadway, Autos driven by Robert Earl Cates, Mayfield, route 1 and Houston David Bowers, Mayfield, route 2 collided about 3:04 p.m.

Friday. Cates was driving north on 8th Street crossing West Broadway and Bowers was driving east on Broadway attempting a left turn onto 8th Street when the collision occurred. PRINCESS NOW Thrill New To Our DIAL 247-2927 Stereophonic ADM. 50c $1.00 Sound ENDS WED. Open 7:15 Only One Complete Show Starts 7:30 DORIS When Doris the goes West goes West CALAMITY JOSIE chicken! DAY OF THE (A) JOSIE" TECHNICOLOR The Cardinal Will Be Open Sun.

If you want to know what makes the Great Wide Track Drive so great, drive Pontiac's Great One. GTO. 400 cubic inches, bulging hood scoops, special suspension, and a so bumper revolutionary, competition is still kicking it in frustration. Winner of Motor Trend Magazine's Car of the Year award. Drive it and you'll understand why.

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The Mayfield Messenger from Mayfield, Kentucky (2024)
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Name: Stevie Stamm

Birthday: 1996-06-22

Address: Apt. 419 4200 Sipes Estate, East Delmerview, WY 05617

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Hobby: Leather crafting, Puzzles, Leather crafting, scrapbook, Urban exploration, Cabaret, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.